
Night of Falling Stars

Revealing the secrets of meteor showers.

1 June 2019 · 5 min read

About this show

One night a boy sets out to observe meteors on his secret hill. But on this night a mysterious old gentleman is also there, and then shooting stars begin raining down on them like a shower. The mysterious man offers an invitation "Come, let’s go higher up in the sky."

The two begin a magical journey going above the clouds and beyond Earth's atmosphere to approach the shooting stars finally reaching high enough to overlook the whole Earth. Through this experience, the boy gains insight into the origins of shooting stars and meteor showers and takes an important first step toward his dream of becoming a scientist.

A magical story made real by a passion for meteors on the night of falling stars.





22 min

Target Group

Children and Families


Fulldome movie of 3D computer graphics


Unidirectional seating, suitable for concentric seating


Osaka Science Museum & LiVE | 2019


English, Japanese, ask for other languages

Technical Data

30 fps, up to 8k, non-stereo, 5.1 surround


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