
The Earth Wins

People shape the earth and the earth shapes people's lives.

1 July 2013 · 3 min read

About this Show:

Humans impact on the Earth and the Earth impacts on the life of humans. »The Earth Wins« is a powerful film that leaves the viewer with lasting images. It raises interesting ideas and questions which will engage students in the discussion and the development of important broad world concepts. The film has been shot entirely from the air and is a passionate plea to consider the interdependence of man with Mother Earth. »The Earth Wins« addresses climate change, poverty and natural disasters, amongst other topical issues and has a number of embedded messages aimed at young teenagers on a wide range of subjects.

Trailer (English)



45 min

Target Group

General public, families, school groups


Giant screen movie adopted to fulldome


unidirectional seating


Helifilm | 2013


English (contact for other languages)

Technical Data

30 fps, up to 4k, non-stereo, 5.1 surround sound


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