
Voyager - the Never-Ending Journey

A thrilling story of the most remarkable space mission in human history

28 February 2019 · 5 min read

About this show

The movie tells a thrilling story of the most remarkable space mission in human history. In 1977 two space probes were launched to explore the farthest planets of the Solar system: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune along with their moons. These spacecraft greatly enriched our knowledge of the distant worlds. Now after four decades they explore interstellar space. Like two bottles launched into the cosmic ocean, both probes carry an interstellar message – the Golden Record, intended for any alien civilization.




27 min

Target Group

General public from about 12 years old


Fulldome video of 3D computer animated graphics


Unidirectional seating, suitable for concentric seating


UMA Vision | 2019


Arabic, Czech, English, French, German, Korean, Japanese, Mandarin, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian, ask for other languages

Technical Data

30 fps, up to 8k, stereo and non-stereo, 5.1 surround


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