ZEISS Star Projectors

Natural and Accurate Sky Representation

The projection of an impressively clear and brilliant starry sky is the requirement of numerous planetariums, which have not only the task of imparting knowledge, but also to offer a wide range of programs from the fields of science, culture and entertainment. ZEISS attaches great importance to the projection of the starry sky, so to ensure that it appears as brilliant under the dome as it does in nature under the best observation conditions, highly developed technologies are employed.

Sophisticated Projection Systems

For the best Starry Sky Projection in the Planetarium

ZEISS Fibre Optics

Tiny point-shaped stars thanks to ZEISS fiber optics
Each individual star is directly illuminated by an optical fiber.

ZEISS LED Technique

Bright, Long-lasting LED Lighting
LEDs as light sources ensure high luminous efficiency, pure white stars and low power consumption.


ZEISS Projector Constellations

Wide Range of Functions and Simple Operation
ZEISS star projectors offer unlimited live operation. By specifying time and location, you can achieve a desired view of the sky within seconds.


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