ZEISS Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology -  Push the limits

Push the limits

ZEISS Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology

Today for the technology of tomorrow. Even smaller, more powerful and more efficient. ZEISS Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology enables chip manufacturers around the world.  

We like things precise. Very precise.

With our optics and innovations, we have been driving semiconductor technology forward for more than 50 years. With maximum precision. For ever shorter wavelengths – currently for 13.5 nanometers. With EUV technology, we have taken chip technology to a new level – pushing the boundaries of what is technologically possible. Our solutions for lithography optics, photomasks  and for process control enable chip manufacturers around the world. They make it possible to produce memories and processors that are even more powerful, energy-efficient and cost-effective.
For smartphones, smart homes and smart factories. For digitalized life and work. That sounds like the future. Thanks to ZEISS. Thanks to semiconductor technology from ZEISS.

  • Lithography Optics
  • Photomask Solutions
  • Process Control Solutions

Heartbeat of digitalization

Immerse yourself now in the fascination of the SMT world

Printed circuit boards symbolize the semiconductor manufacturing market
SMT Magazine

Insights into the technology of tomorrow

Our employees often work at the edge of what is physically possible in order to drive digitalization forward. In the ZEISS SMT Magazine they blog about optical lithography, our products, their development and future trends.


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