An employee works on important technologies for the semiconductor industry
Products ZEISS SMT

Products of ZEISS Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology

  • Lithography Optics
  • Photomask Solutions
  • Process Control Solutions

Making tomorrow's technology possible today

Microchips enable state-of-the-art digital technologies

Technologies from ZEISS SMT

What do space travel, bitcoins and smartphones have in common? They rely on semiconductor technology with nanometer-scale circuitry. With our broad product portfolio for semiconductor manufacturing, we cover the various phases of chip development and production. We are enabling the global semiconductor industry to make the next technological leap. In doing so, we are constantly coming up against the limits of what is technologically feasible – then pushing them further.

Our Product Portfolio

ZEISS Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology

An employee works on an EUV illumination system from ZEISS SMT

Lithography Optics

With lithography optics, laser optics, mirrorblocks and other optical systems, we enable customers worldwide to expose wafers with nanometer resolution. This lays the groundwork for ever smaller, more efficient and more powerful microchips. ZEISS SMT optics and mirrors are also used in synchrotrons for basic physics research.

More about our optical systems

Two employees in the clean room of the photomask solutions

Photomask Solutions

Error-free exposure of wafers in semiconductor production saves time and money. Thanks to our photomask solutions, defects on the photomask can be detected, analyzed and repaired – while allowing specific mask properties to be measured and optimized. This enables us to produce defect-free photomasks for microchip fabrication.

More about our photomask solutions

Two employees of SMT Process Control Solutions chat in the ZEISS SMT clean room

Process Control Solutions

Rapid development, prototyping and testing of integrated circuits are essential for efficient semiconductor manufacturing operations. Our process control solutions enable sample preparation and nanometer-accurate structure and defect detection of semiconductor components. Thanks to highly efficient and fast 2D and 3D imaging processes, chip manufacturers receive all relevant information in the shortest possible time.

More about our process control solutions  

Strength in numbers

A person holds a globe in their hand and gains insights into the market for semiconductor technology

Markets and Partners

ZEISS SMT equips the semiconductor industry worldwide with its technology solutions – and sets the pace for digitalization. This succeeds with a strong network of more than 1,200 partners and suppliers.

More about our partners

A woman walks through the warehouses and looks at the product inventories

Suppliers for ZEISS SMT

With the supply chain strategy, the Supplier Management of the ZEISS Semiconductor Manufacturing Technologies (SMT) segment coordinates, controls and shapes the value creation of our suppliers. ZEISS SMT is aligned with the requirements of our customers in the OEM and end-customer markets.

More about Supplier Management

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