ZEISS PGS Series Small Footprint NIR Spectrometer
ZEISS PGS modules with a spectral coverage of 960 - 2500 nm are among the market leading NIR spectrometers, providing a small footprint, highest throughput and excellent SNR. Special TE-cooled/uncooled InGaAs detectors ensure lowest noise conditions.

PGS Spectrometer design
ZEISS PGS features a monofibre (Ø 600 μm)/SMA connector and slit as optical input. The optical design together with the ZEISS blazed plane gratings enable highest throughput with an NA up to 0.37. The combination of aspheric collimator and focusing lens maintains a perfectly flat field correction of the spectral image. All parts are fixed to a central aluminium alloy body. A selection of cooled/uncooled InGaAs detectors is available.

PGS Customized options
Your partner for OEM applications
- Optical input: custom length Infrasil-quartz fiber (Ø 600 μm) or SMA/FC connector
- Custom slit size and configurable resolution
- ZEISS plane gratings with different blaze wavelengths (1200/1400/1800 nm)
- Customized spectral coverage at 960 - 2500 nm
- Various uncooled/TE-cooled InGaAs detector options
- Operating electronics with USB 2.0, 3.0 / Ethernet interface
- ZEISS Aspect Software or SDK

PGS Applications
Small footprint PGS for NIR process & quality control
- Semiconductor: thin film metrology, wet process control
- Food & beverage: meat production, malting/brewing, baking, beverages
- Agriculture: constituent analysis for grain, dairy, feed & forage
- Pharmaceutical production
- Paper web production
- Waste sorting & recycling
- Energy: biomass conversion, refining & petrochemical processing
ZEISS PGS spectrometer series
Operating electronics & software for ZEISS spectrometers
Operating Electronics for Spectrometers from ZEISS
ZEISS offers custom tailored operating electronics for our PGS spectrometer modules. This includes the preamplifier, front-end, cooling and USB/Ethernet interface electronics. Besides, different software tools are provided: the acquisition & analysis software ASPECT PLUS or software development kits (SDK) for perfect integration in industrial environments.
Preamplifier electronics
The preamplifier electronics is matched to the spectrometer module. Thereby, the analog signals from the InGaAs sensor array are primed and forwarded differentially for further processing as an analog video signal. The preamplifier is directly plugged onto the InGaAs sensor chip and integrated into the spectrometer module. ZEISS PGS preamplifier electronics allow for 500 kpixel/s readout and a minimum integration time of 0.1 ms.
Front End Electronics
The front end electronics act as an adapter between the preamplifier and the interface electronics of a spectrometer system. They preprocess the amplified analog video signal and perform a 16-bit AD conversion. The digitized values are then forwarded as a byte sequential data stream for the interface electronics. High dynamics and signal stability in the configurations used are achieved thanks to quartz-precision timing and integrated filtering of supply voltages.
High-speed interface electronics
ZEISS provides high-speed digital spectral data acquisition controllers with USB 2.0/3.0 and Ethernet interfaces for PC communication. The interface electronics board thereby acts as a connecting piece between the front end electronics and the PC. The 10/100 Base-T Ethernet interface is recommended for long distance communication and is ideally suited for distributed systems and decentralized monitoring.
Temperature controller for TE-cooled sensors
ZEISS PGS spectrometers are equipped with a selection of InGaAs photodiode array sensors. The PGS 1.7 is available with a TE-cooled G9203/G9204 or with an uncooled G9201 InGaAs sensor. The 2-stage TE-cooled PGS 2.0, 2.2 and 2.5 are equipped with the G9206 resp. G114478 InGaAs sensor. For operation with a cooled sensor, a PI-type temperature controller PCB is provided. The temperature controller is directly connected to the InGaAs sensor board and can be stacked onto the preamplifier board. A fan-cooled heat sink guarantees heat dissipation from the InGaAs sensor. This allows for a cooling stability better than ± 10 mK to be achieved.
ZEISS software solutions
ZEISS provides different software tools to meet spectroscopic analysis and automation needs. A convenient solution is provided by the ready-to-use ASPECT PLUS software package. Running under MS Windows, it easily enables the acquisition and analysis of spectral data. Furthermore, we offer Software Development Kits (SDK) consisting of programming libraries allowing maximum flexibility for user-specific applications.
The Aspect PLUS software for acquisition and analysis of spectra with clear graphical interface runs on the latest Window versions and controls ZEISS spectrometers. Functions as spectra display, data handling routines, kinetics and calculation of concentrations or color and film-thickness evaluation modules are implemented.
OSIS SDK is a software development kit to support development of software applications for ZEISS spectrometers. There are several ways to create an application from scratch using one of the provided templates. It is also possible to add OSIS SDK to your existing projects using NuGet packages. The 32/64 bit SDK and the underlying OSIS Framework are based on .NET Standard 2.0 and are not limited to a specific platform or architecture.