
This website is only for basic information. It is not to be considered medical advice or a substitute for obtaining your own medical consultation, during which you will be informed also about possible risks, side effects and restrictions of refractive & cataract surgery. Not all treatment options are approved or offered in every country and approved labeling and instructions may vary from one country to another. This site is also not intended for patients and healthcare providers residing in the United States of America and Japan.


The facts about ZEISS SMILE

Lenticule Extraction with SMILE® from ZEISS is an advanced laser vision correction. Using ZEISS SMILE, your surgeon can correct near-sightedness with or without astigmatism in a minimally invasive procedure. The procedure aims to eliminate or reduce your dependency on glasses or contact lenses.

Why choose ZEISS SMILE laser vision correction?

Vision correction with ZEISS SMILE is minimally invasive. Some patients can return to many of their regular activities of daily living as soon as the following day. However, patients should avoid risky activities such as contact sports or being in dusty or smoky environments. Before and after the procedure, your eye doctor will advise you on when it is appropriate and safe to resume any specific activities. Always talk to them about your particular options.

What are the advantages of ZEISS SMILE?

Minimally invasive – quick recovery

With LASIK, the surgeon creates a flap to access your cornea; this flap could become dislodged and cause complications afterwards. With ZEISS SMILE, however, your ophthalmic surgeon creates a small opening that’s around 4-6 mm, which means there is no chance of developing a complication related to the flap.

Contact an eye doctor today to see if ZEISS SMILE may be the right choice for you.

  • Minimally invasive

    ZEISS SMILE enables a minimally invasive procedure using a small opening that’s around 4-6 mm.

  • Less dry eye symptoms

    Because laser vision correction with ZEISS SMILE is minimally invasive, patients may experience fewer dry eye symptoms after the procedure.

  • Fast recovery

    With ZEISS SMILE, some patients can return to many of their regular activities of daily living as soon as the following day. Your eye doctor will give you specific post-op guidance.

What happens during the procedure with ZEISS SMILE?

ZEISS SMILE uses a single laser which means the laser part of the surgery takes less than 30 seconds. The entire procedure, including the removal of the corneal tissue, generally takes 10 to 20 minutes in total. Beforehand, your eyes are numbed using eye drops to allow for a comfortable treatment. Then just lie back, try to relax and follow the instructions of your doctor.

Is ZEISS SMILE right for me?

Using ZEISS SMILE, your surgeon can correct myopia (near-sightedness) with or without astigmatism, a condition which causes blurred vision, headaches and eye strain.

Recovery after vision correction

With ZEISS SMILE some patients can return to many of their regular activities of daily living as soon as the following day, dependent on your doctor’s recommendations. They will also advise you on what’s best for your recovery.

Common side effects with ZEISS SMILE

Laser vision correction is a clinically proven and established method of treating refractive errors. Like any other medical procedure, Lenticule Extraction with ZEISS SMILE is not free of risks and side effects. Your surgeon will perform a pre-surgery health assessment and eyesight check to ensure any risk is minimised. However, it is important you know about the most common side effects so you can identify them quickly and discuss them with your eye doctor.

Astigmatism and ZEISS SMILE

Astigmatism is a very common condition leading to blurred or distorted vision that can cause headaches and eye strain. Astigmatism often happens alongside other vision conditions such as near-sightedness. ZEISS SMILE can be an option to correct astigmatism.

ZEISS SMILE facts & figures

Did you know that …

  • 10,000,000

    Over 10 million eyes have been successfully treated with ZEISS SMILE.

  • Flapless

    ZEISS SMILE offers vision correction without creating a flap in the cornea.

  • 30 Seconds

    ZEISS SMILE uses a single laser which means the laser part of the surgery takes less than 30 seconds. The entire procedure, including the removal of the corneal tissue, generally takes 10 to 20 minutes in total.

Find a ZEISS SMILE centre near you

Frequently asked questions about ZEISS SMILE

  • ZEISS technology is leading the way in a range of sectors, from medical technology to high-precision vision care.

    You may know ZEISS from your last visit to the optician, as ZEISS is a leading manufacturer of spectacle lenses. ZEISS’ expertise also extends to camera lenses and binoculars as well as observation and rifle scopes. In fact, ZEISS optics in the James Webb Space Telescope allow humanity to see into the furthest reaches of the universe.

    But the company is more than that. With a history that stretches back over 175 years, ZEISS is an established, world-leader in advanced medical lasers and scientific optics. With its origins in Germany, the company now employs more than 35,000 people at 160 locations in 50 countries. Research and development are undertaken in 27 specialist research and development facilities to ensure ZEISS is always at the forefront of technology.

  • Your surgeon will use the latest ZEISS medical technology and software during your treatment. Lenticule extraction is performed on VisuMax® with SMILE® from ZEISS. Each laser pulse delivers a very precise burst of light, thereby reducing the potential for harm to any nearby healthy tissue that must remain intact.

    To help the surgeon do their job effectively, ZEISS VisuMax also features high-quality ZEISS microscopes, digital cameras, advanced interactive touch screens and integrated illumination. And for you, the patient, there’s a comfortable, ergonomic couch that supports you throughout the short surgery time.

  • As with all surgical procedures, you may experience side effects after your surgery. However, vision correction with ZEISS SMILE has been designed to be as minimally invasive as possible. Unlike other laser eye correction, your surgeon only needs to create a small, keyhole opening in your eye. The upper layers of the cornea remain virtually unaffected, which means side effects with ZEISS SMILE are very rare.

    However, you should know potential side effects may include:

    • Disorders of the cornea, retina and other parts of the eye
    • Visual disturbance
    • Visual impairment
    • Ocular pain

    A few patients may also experience some temporary limitations, such as delayed visual recovery.

  • In most cases following the ZEISS SMILE surgery, many patients enjoy improved vision that will even get better within a couple of days. Follow your surgeon’s instructions regarding post-op medication and any restrictions. During the healing process, you should avoid rubbing your eyes. What’s more, you may feel some minor discomfort, such as sensing foreign bodies or blurred vision while your eyes are recovering.

    Many patients can resume normal activities such as exercising, wearing makeup, working and playing sport as soon as the next day.

    Read more about the healing process here

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    This website is only for basic information. It is not to be considered medical advice or a substitute for obtaining your own medical consultation, during which you will be informed also about possible risks, side effects and restrictions of refractive & cataract surgery. Not all treatment options are approved or offered in every country and approved labeling and instructions may vary from one country to another. This site is also not intended for patients and healthcare providers residing in the United States of America and Japan.