Press Kit

ZEISS SmartLife

Eyeglass Lens Portfolio Fit for a Connected and On-The-Move Lifestyle

This press kit is a bundled source of information for journalists, bloggers and other multipliers about ZEISS SmartLife.

ZEISS has enhanced its tried-and-true eyeglass lens designs and added some technological innovations to boot: ZEISS SmartLife is a complete premium portfolio for consumers no matter their age. The ZEISS SmartLife lens design factors in our modern connected and on-the-move lifestyle, dynamic visual behavior, individual visual needs, and age. Dr. Katharina Rifai gives insights in how we can measure visual behavior. With the ZEISS Dynamic Gaze Study the ZEISS Vision Science Lab showed that the smartphone has a significant effect on our visual behavior.

One lifestyle for people of all ages requires solutions that go beyond the limits of traditional eyeglass lens categories. ZEISS SmartLife makes this possible. Manuela Weinreich explains, that for eye care professionals, the portfolio approach holds a key benefit in that it caters to most consumer needs with just one solution.

While there are some similarities in the lifestyles and visual behavior of people of different ages, we know that some key parameters will change over the course of our lives. Learn from Dr. Arne Ohlendorf how vision develops during childhood and read in an interview with Dr. Alexander Leube about age-related changes in our eyes.

Press Photos

  • ZEISS SmartLife Young

    ZEISS SmartLife Young single vision lenses offer clear vision for growing children.

    1 MB
  • ZEISS SmartLife Young

    Lessons in school have become more digitalized, which increases screen time even more for children.

    763 KB
  • ZEISS SmartLife

    The new global marketing campaign for ZEISS SmartLife Lenses creatively showcases one main product advantage – the wide fields of view while being connected and on-the-move – illustrating that life is much more than the screens in front of us.

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  • ZEISS SmartLife

    The new global marketing campaign for ZEISS SmartLife Lenses creatively showcases one main product advantage – the wide fields of view while being connected and on-the-move – illustrating that life is much more than the screens in front of us.

    592 KB
  • ZEISS SmartLife

    The new global marketing campaign for ZEISS SmartLife Lenses creatively showcases one main product advantage – the wide fields of view while being connected and on-the-move – illustrating that life is much more than the screens in front of us.

    581 KB

Portrait Maria Conrad
Press Contact Maria Conrad General Topics and Sustainability

ZEISS Vision Care

Press Kits

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