ZEISS Presents a New Smartphone-Based Vision Screening
When was the last time you had your eyes checked?
Aalen, Germany | 21 December 2020 | ZEISS Vision Care
Eyesight deterioration is normally an insidious process which often remains unnoticed at first. The environmental conditions of remote working, which has become a reality for millions of employees almost overnight as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, are suboptimal in many cases. The increased use of digital devices, smaller screens and poorer lighting leads to increasing eye strain. These eye-related challenges increase in addition to the permanent near work-related visual stress.
Checking the eyes regularly is necessary to enjoy the benefits of digital technologies with comfort and protection from visual stress. The new ZEISS Vision Screening is designed for both spectacle and non-spectacle wearers and can be performed using a smartphone. The online service offers fast and cost-free initial information on visual acuity, from home or on the move. More detailed eye exams, in-depth consultations and check-ups to diagnose possible health issues require an eye care professional.

The new ZEISS Vision Screening is an easy and fast way to check visual acuity using the smartphone.
Regular testing of visual acuity is essential
Visual acuity measures the ability of the eye to distinguish shapes and the details of objects at a given distance. The new ZEISS Vision Screening is design as a progressive web application that enables users to perform a visual acuity screening on themselves from the convenience of their smartphone's home screen. To achieve optimal results, the user simply holds the device at arm's length during the entire process. At the beginning of the vision screening it is crucial to calibrate the display of the smartphone. The test is then based on the well-known and standardized optotype "Landolt C", a circle with a gap in one of eight positions. Within a few minutes, the user is informed about the results of the vision screening.
While other available online vision tests are challenging in application and handling, the Vision Screening from ZEISS is designed to be quick and easy to perform. In case of doubts about individual visual acuity, this simple online test provides a first indication of an impaired vision. If the test indicates that the user's vision has deteriorated or changed, an in-depth examination performed by an optician or optometrist is required. Regardless of the results provided by the online vision test, it is recommended to have the eyes checked by a specialist at regular intervals.

The smartphone display is calibrated before the vision screening starts.
How often should you have your eyes tested?
Refractive errors such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and presbyopia can all be corrected with prescription glasses or contact lenses, and periodic check-ups are necessary. However, the current phase of the pandemic has many people wary about visiting an optician. Nevertheless, the preventive rule of thumb says that adults should have their eyes tested regularly whether they have an existing or known vision problem. The general recommendation for children is always to consult an eye doctor. Young adults between the ages of 20 and 39 should have their eyes examined at least three times; from age 40 on, check-ups should be performed every two to three years; and from age 65 on, everyone to two years. The online vision test is not a replacement for a visit to an optician or eye doctor. However, it may encourage users to check their visual acuity regularly and to take early action.
What does the future bring?
ZEISS has always been driven by the desire to develop innovative products and services, both for stationary and online use. "We are confident that the new visual acuity test from ZEISS will serve as a useful tool for eye care professionals around the world, and we are glad to provide such a helpful tool in times of a pandemic," says Eric Nehrbass, Head of Online Technologies at ZEISS. Further digital products and services will follow in the coming years. "Even before the pandemic, consumers have started to search online for information to prepare their visits at the optician. The consumer journey is evolving from a pure in-store journey for eyewear purchases to an omnichannel consumer experience. By combining the trusted ZEISS brand, our innovative lens products and our technological capabilities, we want to increasingly support opticians as a reliable partner also with omnichannel solutions," says Dr. Stefan Wamsler, Head of Online Business Solutions at ZEISS.
The new ZEISS Vision Screening is currently available in the United States. Service will be expanded gradually to the rest of the world.

ZEISS Vision Care