Health + Prevention

Improved vision = improved quality of life

Not all eyeglasses are the same.

16 October 2020

It is a common truth that small things and intricate details often make a noticeable difference. This also applies to eyeeyeglasses. Some important features distinguish simple eyeeyeglasses from a premium-quality, customized pair of eyeglasses that delivers significant benefits. You may wonder how better eyeglasses can also improve the quality of your life. Certainly, a budget-priced pair of mass-produced eyeglasses will restore a degree of your vision and is highly affordable. After you have had vision problems for a while, you will enjoy being able to see again. What more can you expect? Is even better vision an attainable goal?

  • Improved vision = improved quality of life

Yes, it is and it is indeed possible to achieve it. Your eyes  deliver all optical information to the brain. In the brain the information is interpreted and converted into spatial visual impressions. The quality of the visual impression the brain generates is directly linked to the quality of the information it receives.

The perfect interaction of both eyes is of critical importance. The brain’s ability to create perfect three-dimensional images and its natural spatial perception of all life situations are contingent upon it.

"In the past, whenever I tried to watch TV lying on my side on the couch, I found it impossible to see the images on the screen clearly – they were all strangely distorted. My new glasses with premium-quality ZEISS lenses have solved this problem. Now I can relax and watch TV from any position on the couch I find comfortable," says Manuela D., a severely nearsighted patient.

Our ability to perceive the depths of rooms as well as the size of and distances from objects correctly is contingent upon our spatial vision. However, every eye is just as unique as a fingerprint. This has to be factored into the equation when a pair of eyeglasses is manufactured. Innovative measuring devices such as the i.Profilerplus® by Carl Zeiss have the capacity to handle not only conventional vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism, but more complex issues as well, enabling your eye care professional to match your eyeglasses much more precisely to the needs of your eyes.

As a result, patients receive glasses that give them clearer, more brilliant vision and richer contrasts.

The big difference: progressive lens design

The optimal alignment of your glasses is particularly important if you wear  glasses with progressive lenses.  People who wear glasses with progressive power lenses to support both their close-up and distance eyesight require progressive lenses that are designed to interact optimally with the wearer‘s lines of vision across all individual lens ranges so that the visual impression generated is as perfect as it can be. Wearers of progressive lenses frequently suffer headaches or have difficulty climbing stairs. Opting for customized lenses can greatly enhance their quality of life. The benefits are evident in excellent depth perception as well as much more natural and more relaxed visual impressions. For the eyes this means a lot less stress and fatigue. Glasses of such superior quality are also much more comfortable.

Below we have listed some of the benefits of premium-quality progressive lenses:

  • Natural spatial perception
    • Clear spatial vision at every distance thanks to the optimum alignment of progressive power lenses with all lines of vision
  • Extended range of vision
    • Up to 40% larger range of binocular vision (simultaneous perception of the visual impressions of both eyes) than glasses with conventional varifocal lenses
    • Extremely large distance range
    • Balanced interim range to match physiological needs
    • Sharp close-up vision – aligned with and calculated based on the individual needs of the wearer
  • High level of spontaneous enthusiasm evident in customers after first experience with their new progressive lenses
    • Patients get accustomed to these glasses quickly and easily

Ranges of progressive lenses

  • Precision Pure
  • Precision Plus
  • Precision Superb
  • Individual 2
  • Optimized for vision demands The world’s first Digital Inside® Technology responds to the increased digitalisation of our lifestyles. It provides strain-free, sharp vision on digital devices and good dynamic vision with fast focus at different distances.
    Precision Pure
  • Optimized for vision demands + frame In a world of fast-changing fashion trends, unique Adaptation Control™ Technology including FrameFit+® provides freedom for the wearer to select any frame and achieve fast adaptation of their lenses.
    Precision Plus
  • Optimized for vision demands + frame + face The unique anatomy of every individual’s face is important. Taking into account the physiological position of wearer parameters allows an optimal match of the eye-lens-frame system and therefore full use of three-dimensional vision. FaceFit™ Technology optimises the vision zones based on the knowledge of the exact position of the eyes and the facial fi t of the frame on the nose and ears.
    Precision Superb
  • Optimized for vision demands + frame + face + activity Developed with individual preferences and needs in mind. The IndividualFit™ Technology considers an individual’s main daily activities whilst Luminance Design™ Technology ensures pupil size optimization – for best natural vision day and night.
    Individual 2

Did you know that a study done in 2008 by the Allensbach Institute, one of the best-known and most respected German opinion and market research institutes revealed that only 49% of all Germans who wear glasses were completely satisfied with their their glasses? Another 45% stated that they were generally satisfied, while 5% were not quite satisfied or not satisfied at all. A mere 1% claimed to be undecided. Carl Zeiss and its contract optometrists are working hard every day to make sure the number of completely satisfied customers increases substantially.

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