Highlights from events
Turn your own event into a special experience. Our facilities offer you the space for various formats – learn more here about selected events that took place at the ZEISS Forum.
Highlights from 2019

ZEISS 2019 kick-off
Almost 50 years after the first moon landing, the guests of the ZEISS Year 2019 kick-off were able to get a taste of space. Befitting to the view of the stars, the optics group had invited two pioneers of outer space to the ZEISS Forum: Dr. Sigmund Jähn, first German in outer space, and Prof. Dr. Ulrich Walter, science astronaut.

Robert Schumann – Life, songs, music
The romantic composer Robert Schumann has created an extensive collection of songs. Reciter Lutz Görner, pianist Nadia Singer and the English tenor Edward Leach introduced themselves expressively, elegantly and virtuously. An event of the chamber music Forum Ba-Wü e.V.

Innovation Awards 2019
Every two years ZEISS celebrates innovative internal projects in five different categories with the Innovation Awards. The most innovative ideas from all segments, business-supporting functions and sales and service companies will be chosen by an external jury.