Social Media Netiquette
We look forward to receiving your comments. Please observe the following general rules:
The comments function is intended for factual discussions. To ensure that this is the case, ZEISS reserves the right to delete comments which are not beneficial for such a discussion or are irrelevant to the entries. There is no entitlement to publication. Your email address will not be published and will only be saved together with the comments. We only publish the name or nickname and the publication date. This is an Internet portal which we are pleased to use for discussions with you. However, if you have any questions, doubts or ideas about our products or services, please get in touch with your contact directly.
Social conventions and Netiquette
- Please treat other users like you would like to be treated.
- Remember that you are communicating with real people and not virtual personalities.
- You may use hard arguments to support your views, but do not personally attack anyone or engage in ad hominem arguments.
- Insults, sexual innuendos and sexist or racist comments of any type are forbidden.
- Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You should therefore never try to impose your opinion on others.
The following will result in deletion of the comment or blocking of the IP address for further comments:
- Wrongful use as advertising space for websites or web services
- Machine-generated posts
- Offering goods or services (commercial or private)
- Insulting and derogatory comments
- Violations of third party rights, in particular of copyrights
- Announcements of politically oriented demonstrations
- Comments in a language which is not specified
- Inciting violence against persons, institutions or companies
- Pornography
- Racism and hate propaganda
- Comments which are irrelevant to the entry in question
These rules also apply to the use of names. We shall not tolerate any violations of these guidelines and reserve the right to delete, edit, move or close such comments and entries. Each user is responsible for the entries he/she publishes.
Liability disclaimer
The comments on our entries reflect the opinions of individual readers only. Carl Zeiss AG shall not resume any liability for the correctness and completeness of contents.
Thank you for placing your trust in ZEISS.
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