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Coleção de artigos de revistas sobre a miopia com envolvimento da ZEISS

Neste compêndio de literatura, a ZEISS apresenta vários artigos sobre miopia, desenvolvimento refrativo e medição de erros refrativos em língua inglesa. O objetivo é fornecer mais informação e partilhar conhecimento. Cada publicação baseia-se na opinião profissional do autor ou nos resultados dos seus estudos. Não reflete necessariamente a opinião da ZEISS Vision Care e pode não estar de acordo com a avaliação clínica ou com a finalidade pretendida dos nossos dispositivos médicos.

Os artigos são publicados principalmente em cooperação com o ZEISS Vision Science Lab.

  • Título


    Comparison between cycloplegic and noncycloplegic refraction in young adult myopes

    Khan Hashim Ali, Tran Huy, Naduvilath Thomas John, Tahhan Nina, Ha Thao, Sankaridurg Padmaja

    Optometry and Vision Science

    This study explores the difference between cycloplegic and noncycloplegic refraction in young adult myopes.


    ON and OFF receptive field processing in the presence of optical scattering.

    Breher Katharina, Neumann Antonia, Kurth Dominik, Schaeffel Frank & Wahl Siegfried

    Biomedical Optics Express

    The balance of ON/OFF pathway activation in the retina plays a role in emmetropization and the study investigated the influence of a myopia management lens on said balance.


    In-depth optical characterization of spectacle lenses for myopia progression management.

    Arias Augusto, Ohlendorf Arne, Artal Pablo & Wahl Siegfried


    The article describes an in-depth optical characterization of myopia management lenses—with and without considering the optics of myopic eyes.


    Effect of multifocal spectacle lenses on accommodative errors over time: Possible implications for myopia control.

    Varnas SR, Kaphle D, Schmid KL, Suheimat M, Atchison DA.

    journal of vision

    Progressive lenses can significantly reduce lag of accommodation, but add power needs to be tailored to the reading distance.


    Myopia management algorithm. Annexe to the article titled Update and guidance on management of myopia. European Society of Ophthalmology in cooperation with International Myopia Institute

    Beáta Tapasztó, Daniel Ian Flitcroft, Wagih A Aclimandos, Jost B Jonas, Jan-Tjeerd H N De Faber, Zoltán Zsolt Nagy, Philippe G Kestelyn, Ingrida Januleviciene, Andrzej Grzybowski, Christina Nicolaeva Vidinova, Jeremy A Guggenheim, Jan Roelof Polling, James S Wolffsohn, J Willem L Tideman, Peter M Allen, Rigmor C Baraas, Kathryn J Saunders,Sara J McCullough, Lyle S Gray, Siegfried Wahl, Irina Yurievna Smirnova, Marino Formenti, Hema Radhakrishnan, Serge Resnikoff and János Németh

    European Journal of Ophthalmology

    This article provides practical assistance in choosing and developing an effective myopia management strategy tailored to the individual child.


    L-opsin expression in chickens is similarly reduced with diffusers and negative lenses.

    Gisbert Sandra, Wahl Siegfried & Schaeffel Frank

    Vision Research

    Spatial processing during development of deprivation myopia could affect expression of L- and M−opsins and this article sheds some light on the existence of a common pathway during emmetropization.


    Accommodation lags are higher in myopia than in emmetropia: Measurement methods and metrics matter.

    Kaphle D, Varnas SR, Schmid KL, Suheimat M, Leube A, Atchison DA.

    Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics

    For the analysis of the lag of accommodation, measurements methods and physiological parameters of the eye need to be take into account.


    Short-Term Peripheral Contrast Reduction Affects Central Chromatic and Achromatic Contrast Sensitivity.

    Neumann Antonia, Leube Alexander, Nabawi Najma, Sauer Yannick, Essig Peter, Breher Katharina & Wahl Siegfried


    This study investigated the influence of peripheral contrast reduction on central chromatic and achromatic contrast sensitivity.


    Interference based aberration-free chromatic stimulator for human myopia research.

    Breher Katharina, Gottschalk Diana, Domdei Niklas & Wahl Siegfried

    Optics Continuum

    This study has investigated if chromaticity of light could present a signal for ocular growth, using additional information such as longitudinal chromatic aberrations.


    Impact of cone abundancy ratios and light spectra on emmetropization in chickens.

    Gisbert Martinez Sandra, Wahl Siegfried & Schaeffel Frank

    Experimental Eye Research Journal

    Inherited cone abundancy ratios determine both normal refractive development and deprivation myopia in the chicken model of myopia.


    Update and Guidance on Management of Myopia. European Ophthalmological Society in cooperation with International Myopia Institute.

    Németh János, Tapasztó Beáta, Aclimandos Wagih, Kestelyn Philippe, Jonas Jost, Tjeerd de Faber Jan, Janulevicine Ingrida, Grzybowski Andrzej, Zsolt Nagy Zoltán, Pärssinen Olavi, Guggenheim Jeremy, Allen Perte, Baraas Rigmor, Saunders Kathryn, Flitcroft Daniel, Gray Lyle, Polling Jan, Haarman Annechien, Tideman Willem, Wolffsohn James, Wahl Siegfried, Mulder Jeroen, Smirnova Irina, Formenti Marino, Radhakrishnan Hema & Reskinoff Serge

    European Journal of Ophthalmology.

    This article summarizes current information and guidance on management of myopia, as well as pathogenesis, genetics, epidemiology and risk factors of myopia.


    Comparison of Methods for Estimating Retinal Shape: Peripheral Refraction vs Optical Coherence Tomography.

    Breher Katharina, Calabuig Alejandro, Kühlewein Laura, Ziemssen Focke, Ohlendorf Arne & Wahl Siegfried

    Journal of Clinical Medicine

    The shape of the retina that represents a clinical parameter of interest for myopia has been calculated using peripheral refraction (PRX) profiles or OCT measurements.


    Choroidal Biomarkers: A Repeatability and Topographical Comparison of Choroidal Thickness and Choroidal Vascularity Index in Healthy Eyes.

    Breher Katharina, Terry Louise, Bower Thomas & Wahl Siegfried

    Translational Vision Science & Technology

    This study provides normative as well as metrological information for the clinical interpretation of Choroidal Thickness and Choroidal Vascularity Index in health and disease.


    Myopia induces meridional growth asymmetry of the retina: a pilot study using wide-field swept-source OCT.

    Breher Katharina, Ohlendorf Arne & Wahl Sigfried

    Scientific Reports volume

    The current study investigated myopia-related changes of retinal radius of curvature, foveal width, depth, slope and choroidal thickness and analyzed these parameters as potential biomarkers for myopia.


    Interactions of cone abundancies, opsin expression, and environmental lighting with emmetropization in chickens

    Gisbert Sandra, Feldkaemper Marita, Wahl Siegfried & Schaeffel Frank.

    Experimental Eye Research

    This study investigated underlying mechanisms for the correlation between the abundancy of different cone types and ocular growth in the chicken model of myopia.


    To Correct or Not Correct? Actual Evidence, Controversy and the Questions That Remain Open.

    García García Miguel, Breher Katharina, Ohlendorf Arne & Wahl Siegfried.

    Journal of Clinical Medicine

    The article describes the eye development in relation to eyes that are fully corrected versus those under-corrected is discussed, and propose new guidelines for the analysis of structural eye changes due to optical treatments of myopia.


    Accommodation responses following contrast adaptation.

    Sanz Diez Pablo, Schaeffel Frank, Wahl Siegfried & Ohlendorf Arne.

    Vision Research

    The accommodative response of the eye can be modified by spatial frequency selective contrast adaptation. Adaptation to low pass filtered videos had opposite effects on the response in emmetropes and myopes.


    A metrological approach to the analysis of choroidal thickness by optical coherence tomography 3D scans in myopia research.

    Breher Katharina, Ohlendorf Arne & Wahl Siegfried.

    Scientific Reports

    The article describes the repeatability and agreement of an automated segmentation algorithm for OCT volume scans in two different OCT devices across the macular area using volume scans instead of multiple line scans.


    2-D Peripheral image quality metrics with different types of multifocal contact lenses.

    García García Miguel, Wahl Siegfried, Pusti Dibyendu, Artal Pablo & Ohlendorf Arne.

    Scientific Reports

    We have evaluated the impact of multifocal contact lens wear on the image quality across the visual field.


    A global approach to describe retinal defocus patterns.

    García García Miguel, Pusti Dibyendu, Siegfried Wahl & Ohlendorf Arne

    PLoS ONE

    The article aims to establish a framework that enables clinicians and researchers to acknowledge the possible interactions of different defocus patterns across the retina, different peripheral refractive errors (PRX) of subjects and different designs of optical treatments.


    Effects of horizontal eye movement and contact lens decentration on horizontal peripheral refraction.

    Atchison David A., Gifford, Kate L., Leube Alexander, & Schmid, Katrina L.

    Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science

    It is valid to use eye rotations to investigate peripheral refraction.


    Effect of spatial filtering on accommodation.

    Sanz Diez Pablo, Ohlendorf Arne, Schaeffel Frank & Wahl Siegfried

    Vision Research

    The study investigated the use of natural images to investigate the influence of spatial frequency content on the accommodation response.


    IMI- Report on Experimental Models of Emmetropization and Myopia.

    Troilo David, Smith III Earl L., Nickla Debora L., Ashby Regan, Tkatchenko Andrei V., Ostrin Lisa A., Gawne Timothy J., Pardue Machelle T., Summers Jody A., Kee Chea-su, Schroedl Falk, Wahl Siegfried & Jones Lyndon

    Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science

    This article summarizes the current understanding of the role of visual experience and the mechanisms of postnatal eye growth, and the development of myopia.


    The effect of the optical design of multifocal contact lenses on choroidal thickness.

    Breher Katharina, García García Miguel, Ohlendorf Arne & Wahl Siegfried

    PloS ONE

    The article summarizes findings on the influence of different contact lenses on short-term changes in choroidal thickness.


    Dioptric defocus maps across the visual field for different indoor environments.

    García García Miguel, Ohlendorf Arne, Schaeffel Frank, & Wahl Siegfried

    Biomedical Optics Express

    This article describes the spatio-temporally mapping of the ‘environmental defocus’ over the visual field.


    Reducing the lag of accommodation by auditory biofeedback: A pilot study.

    Wagner Sandra, Ohlendorf Arne, Schaeffel Frank & Wahl Siegfried

    Vision Research

    The study investigated if a reduction of the accommodative lag is possible by training the accuracy of accommodation using auditory biofeedback.


    Lack of oblique astigmatism in the chicken eye.

    Maier Felix, Howland Howard C., Ohlendorf Arne, Wahl Siegfried & Schaeffel Frank

    Vision Research

    Oblique off-axis astigmatism could provide information on the sign of defocus that is needed for emmetropization, but this study revealed that a major animal model in myopia research display no oblique astigmatism along the horizontal visual field. The article discusses potential consequences.

  • Título


    Slowing myopia progression with cylindrical annular refractive elements (CARE) spectacle lenses—Year 1 results from a 2-year prospective, multi-centre trial

    Xiaoqin Chen, Min Wu, Cui Yu, Arne Ohlendorf, Katharina Rifai, Christina Boeck-Maier, Siegfried Wahl, Youhua Yang, Yi Zhu, Lihua Li, Padmaja Sankaridurg

    Acta Ophthalmologica

    The article shows that in children with myopia, after 12 months of lens wear, both ZEISS MyoCare and ZEISS MyoCare S spectacle lenses significantly slowed myopia progression compared to single vision lenses.


    Clinical Evaluation of MyoCare in Europe (CEME): study protocol for a prospective, multicenter, randomized, double-blinded, and controlled clinical trial.

    Alvarez-Peregrina Cristina, Sanchez-Tena Miguel Angel, Martinez-Perez Clara, Villa-Collar Cesar, CEME Study Group & Ohlendorf Arne


    The article introduces the reader to the ongoing randomized clinical trial of ZEISS MyoCare lenses in Europe.


    Peripheral design of progressive addition lenses and the lag of accommodation in myopes.

    Schilling Tim, Ohlendorf Arne, Varnas Saulius R. & Wahl Siegfried

    Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science

    The article describes the effect of differently designed progressive addition lenses on the lag of accommodation, a known trigger for the progression of myopia.


    Myopia control with positively aspherized progressive addition lenses: a 2-year, multicenter, randomized, controlled trial.

    Hasebe S, Jun J, Varnas SR.

    Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science

    The article summarizes clinical data regarding the reduction of myopia progression when using a positively aspherized progressive addition lenses over the time course of 2 years.


    Spectacle lenses designed to reduce progression of myopia: 12-month results.

    Sankaridurg P, Donovan L, Varnas S, Ho A, Chen X, Martinez A, Fisher S, Lin Z, Smith EL 3rd, Ge J, Holden B.

    Optometry and Vision Science

    The article summarizes clinical data of the ZEISS MyoVision spectacle lens.

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    Myopia Management Need in Germany

    Arne Ohlendorf, Maria Jose Barraza-Berna, Christina Böck-Maier, Pablo Sanz Diez, Timo Kratzer, Siegfried Wahl

    Optometry & Contact Lenses

    Based on real world evidence from more than 400 eye care professionals, children of all ages require myopia management in Germany, while their number increases with age. Also the absolute number of children requiring myopia management is still rather low compared to other regions, they will also benefit from efficient treatment options.


    Monochromatic ocular high-order aberrations in children and adolescents.

    Rauscher FG, Hiemisch A, Kiess W, Blendowske R.

    Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics

    The article describes the prevalence and repeatability of high-order aberrations (HOAs) in children and adolescents 2.5–18 years of age.


    Evaluating the impact of COVID-19 pandemic-related home confinement on the refractive error of school-aged children in Germany: a cross-sectional study based on data from 414 eye care professional centres.

    Sanz Diez Pablo, Ohlendorf Arne, Barraza-Bernal Maria Jose, Kratzer Timo & Wahl Siegfried

    BMJ Open

    We have investigated how refractive errors in German school-aged before and after the COVID-19 pandemic.


    Prediction of refractive error and its progression: a machine learning-based algorithm.

    Barraza-Bernal Maria Jose, Ohlendorf Arne, Sanz Diez Pablo, Feng Xiancai, Yang Li-Hua, Lu Mei-Xia, Wahl Siegfried & Kratzer Timo

    BMJ Open Ophthalmology

    A software-based algorithm has been developed that uses accessible inputs to provide an estimate of refractive development and may serve as guide for the eye care professional to help determine the individual best strategy for management of myopia.


    Normative data for macular and retinal nerve fibre layer thickness in healthy German children and adolescents using optical coherence tomography.

    Söhnel Tanja, Meigen Christof, Hiemisch Andreas, Wahl Siegfried, Ziemssen Focke, Truckenbrod Carolin, Hübner Katharina & Wieland Kiess

    Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics

    A normative data base for macular thickness, macular volume and peripapillary retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) thickness using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) in healthy German children and adolescents has been developed.


    The relationship between myopia and near work, time outdoors and socioeconomic status in children and adolescents.

    Philipp Dariusch, Vogel Mandy, Brandt Manuela, Rauscher Franziska G, Hiemisch Andreas, Wahl Siegfried, Kiess Wieland & Poulain Tanja

    BMC Public Health

    The study investigated environmental and social risk factors for myopia in children and adolescents in Germany.


    LMS parameters, percentile, and Z-score growth curves for axial length in Chinese schoolchildren in Wuhan.

    Sanz Diez Pablo, Yang Li-Hua, Lu Mei-Xia, Kiess Wieland & Wahl Siegfried

    Scientific Reports

    The study compared different methods to generate development of axial lengths in children.


    The Refractive Error and Vision Impairment Estimation With Spectacle data (REVIEWS) study.

    Moore Michael, Loughman James, Butler S. John, Ohlendorf Arne, Wahl Siegfried & Flitcroft I Daniel

    Ophthalmology Science

    The articles investigates if the use of spectacle lens sales data can be used to estimate the population distribution of refractive error among patients with ametropia and hence to estimate the current and future risk of vision impairment.


    Bayesian Meta-Analysis of Myopia Control with Multifocal Lenses.

    Varnas S, Gu X, Metcalfe A.

    Journal of Clinical Medicine

    The article seeks to provide guidelines for the mean percentage efficacy together with the 95% credibility interval in slowing down progression of myopia by a specific intervention over defined time periods, derived from a substantial number of randomized controlled clinical trials.


    Ocular biometry in children and adolescents from 4 to 17 years: a cross-sectional study in central Germany.

    Rauscher FG, Francke M, Hiemisch A, Kiess W, Michael R.

    Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics

    The article evaluated ocular biometry in a large pediatric population as a function of age and sex in children of European descent.


    Application of big-data for epidemiological studies of refractive error.

    Moore Michael, Loughman James, Butler S. John, Ohlendorf Arne, Wahl Siegfried & Flitcroft I Daniel

    PLoS ONE

    The article aimed to examine whether data sourced from electronic medical records (EMR) and a large industrial spectacle lens manufacturing database can estimate refractive error distribution within large populations as an alternative to typical population surveys of refractive error.


    Longitudinal analysis of axial length growth in a German cohort of healthy children and adolescents.

    Truckenbrod Carolin, Meigen Christof, Brandt Manuela, Vogel Mandy, Sanz Diez Pablo, Wahl Siegfried, Jurkutat Anne & Wieland Kiess

    Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics

    Percentile curves of axial lenght of the eye in kids of Caucasian origin have been developed based on data collected during the LifeChild project. This curves can be used as a predictive measure for the likelihood of developing as well as the progression of myopia.


    Refractive status in a German pediatric cohort: A cross-sectional Analysis of the LIFE Child data.

    Brandt Manuela, Meigen Christof, Truckenbrod Carolin, Vogel Mandy, Poulain Tanja, Jurkutat Anne, Rauscher G. Franziska, Wieland Kiess & Wahl Siegfried

    Optometry & Contact Lenses

    In this work, we have generated continuous growth curves for axial length (AL) in German children to be used as predictive measure of myopia development.


    Impaired visual acuity caused by uncorrected errors and amblyopia in a German paediatric cohort.

    Brandt Manuela, Truckenbrod Carolin, Meigen Christof, Vogel Mandy, Poulain Tanja, Kiess Wieland & Wahl Sigfried

    Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics

    The study describes the prevalence of visual impairment caused by uncorrected distance refractive error and the spectacle coverage in a large cohort of German children and adolescents.


    Reference curves for refraction in a German cohort of healthy children and adolescents.

    Truckenbrod Carolin, Meigen Christof, Brandt Manuela, Vogel Mandy, Wahl Siegfried, Jurkutat Anne, Kiess Wieland

    PLoS ONE

    This analysis presents the first reference curve for refraction in central Europe.


    The standardized definition of high myopia.

    Sanz Diez Pablo, Wahl Siegfried & Ohlendorf Arne

    Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

    The article aimed to establish an international agreement regarding standardized thresholds for different levels of myopia.


    IMI – Industry Guidelines and Ethical Considerations for Myopia Control Report.

    Jones Lyndon, Drobe Björn, González-Méijome José Manuel, Gray Lyle, Kratzer Timo, Newman Steve, Nichols Jason J., Ohlendorf Arne, Ramdass Stephanie, Santodomingo-Rubido Jacinto, Schmid Katrina L., Tan Donald, Tan Kah-Ooi, Vera-Díaz Fuensanta A., Wong Yee-Ling, Gifford Kate L. & Resnikoff Serge

    Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science

    The article discusses guidelines and ethical considerations associated with the development and prescription of treatments intended for myopia control (MC).


    Growth curves of myopia-related parameters to clinically monitor the refractive development in Chinese schoolchildren.

    Sanz Diez Pablo, Yang Li-Hua, Lu Mei-Xia, Wahl Siegfried & Ohlendorf Arne

    Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

    A clinical model for the prediction of myopia development based on the creation of percentile curves of axial length in school-aged children from Wuhan in central China has been described in this article.

  • Título


    Method comparison and overview of refractive measurements in children: implications for myopia management.

    Müller J, Chen X, Ohlendorf A, et al

    BMJ Open Ophthalmology

    In case the refractive error of the eye is measured using wavefront-based technologies without blocking accommodation of the eye, refractive errors are more negative. The current study investigated if this bias depends on the amount of myopic refractive error and how to correct the data.


    Model eye assessment by 3D fast-scanning peripheral refraction wavefront sensor.

    Calabuig-Barroso Alejandro, Pinate Ajay, Suchkov Nikolai & Wahl Siegfried

    Unconventional Optical Imaging

    In the present work, we develop a new type of scanning aberrometer to improve and simplify the system for the analysis of peripheral refraction.


    Feasibility and repeatability of ocular biometry measured with Lenstar LS 900 in a large group of children and adolescents.

    Rauscher FG, Hiemisch A, Kiess W, Michael R.

    Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics

    To assess the feasibility and repeatability of a biometer to measure axial length of the eye in a pediatric population.


    Advancing Digital Workflows for Refractive Error Measurements.

    Ohlendorf Arne, Leube Alexander & Wahl Siegfried.

    Journal of Clinical Medicine

    The study investigated different aspects of advancements and the agreement of the spherocylindrical prescriptions obtained with an objective method of measurement and two methods of subjective refinements.


    Agreement and Repeatability of Non-cycloplegic and Cycloplegic Wavefront-based Autorefraction in Children.

    Rauscher Franziska G., Lange Heike, Yahiaoui-Doktor Maryam, Tegetmeyer Helmut, Sterker Ina, Hinz Andreas, Wahl Siegfried, Wiedemann Peter, Ohlendorf Arne, Blendowske Ralf

    Optometry and Vision Science

    Due to the increasing prevalence of refractive error, assessment of ametropia needs to be defined as a screening tool in children and the uncertainty of objective measurements is needed to be understood.


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